
2024-2025 leadership coming soon!

Daniel Edward Parks, Interim Director of Choirs


M.M., University of Minnesota
D.M.A., University of Colorado Boulder


Daniel Edward Parks is a Visiting Instructor of Music and Choral Conducting at William & Mary and the Interim Director of Choirs. He holds a doctoral degree in choral conducting and literature from the University of Colorado Boulder. He also holds degrees from the University of Minnesota and Lawrence University. As an educator, he taught choral music, voice, and music theater at the middle and high schools levels in Wisconsin for five years. As a professional ensemble singer, he has performed with Alium Spiritum, Solis Singers, the Boulder Chorale, the Minnesota Chorale, Border CrosSing, and Weimar Bach Cantata Academy.

The topic of his doctoral thesis, To the Hands by Caroline Shaw: A Conductor’s Guide and Analysis focuses on formal analysis of post-tonal music and rehearsal planning from a comprehensive musicianship perspective. He presented an interest session entitled “The Choral Music of Caroline Shaw” at the 2022 Southwest American Choral Director’s Association conference. His research interests include vocal improvisation, early music, and Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance (CMP).

Amanda Reed (she/her), President
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Class Year: 2024
  • What Amanda’s position does: “As President, my primary responsibilities are ensuring clear communication between the director and members of the choir, planning our Spring Domestic Tour, and running announcements during rehearsal. Overall, I oversee the executive board and make sure all members feel supported so we can have a wonderful year of music making!”
  • What Amanda loves about KWAH: “The people! It’s such a close-knit community and I’m so thankful for all the wonderful connections I’ve made. No matter what you’re doing on campus, you’re bound to run into a friendly face from KWAH.”
  • Other Campus Activities: geoLab, APO, Sinfonicron
Josie Summers (she/her), Vice President
  • Majors: English & Linguistics
  • Class Year: 2025
  • What Josie’s position does: “I assist our lovely president Amanda and incredible director Dr. Parks, and I support the rest of the officers however they need! I’m also in charge of Kwah merch & overseeing our publicity ◡̈”
  • What Josie loves about KWAH: “I never imagined that I would get to sing such amazing music with such special people, but I get to do this—and have so much fun doing it—with my absolute best friends—the Kwah!!!”
  • Other Campus Activities: Residence Life, Intonations A Capella, Linguistics research
Bayleigh Albert (she/her), Treasurer
  • Majors: Conservation and Creative Media & Environmental Science
  • Class Year: 2024
  • What Bayleigh’s position does: “I’m responsible for creating the Choir’s budget for the year, allocating funds to each officer position, collecting dues, and monitoring choir expenses.”
  • What Bayleigh loves about KWAH: “I love the tight knit community of people who are always willing to support and uplift one another.”
  • Other Campus Activities: A Cappella with The Christopher Wren Singers, Green Club Volleyball Team, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society
Anna McNally (any/all), Administrative Secretary
  • Major: Physics
  • Class Year: 2024
  • What Anna’s position does: “The secretary is in charge of taking attendance at rehearsals and during tour. I am also tasked with making the choir directory and taking notes during officer meetings.”
  • What Anna loves about KWAH: “I love the community and, of course, the music!!”
  • Other Campus Activities: “Fermentation club as well as D&D with my friends”
Elizabeth Diaz (she/her), Alumni Correspondent
  • Major: Geology
  • Class Year: 2024
  • What Elizabeth’s position does: “As Alumni Correspondent I have the opportunity to connect with our wonderful choir alumni (mainly through newsletters), as well as hosting our Homecoming Reception!”
  • What Elizabeth loves about KWAH: “I love the amazing community and family that I have found in KWAH! It’s an honor to create beautiful music with everyone and to form incredible connections!”
  • Other campus activities: Tribetones A Capella, Association for Women Geoscientists
Nicole Fritsch (she/her), Librarian
  • Majors: Chemistry & English
  • Class Year: 2024
  • What Nicole’s position does: “I am responsible for keeping track of all our music. I pass songs out and collect them, keep sheet music in good repair, provide temporary replacements when people forget their music, and keep our library in some semblance of order.”
  • What Nicole loves about KWAH: “There are so many unique people in Kwah, and everyone is doing such different things. I love learning about the wide variety of fields choir members are involved with, and finding the ways we are all still connected through music!”
  • Other Campus Activities: club gymnastics, karate
 Margaret Xu (she/her), Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Major: Kinesiology
  • Class Year: 2024
  • What Margaret’s position does: “We endeavor to bridge the gap between choir and community and spread joy through music.”
  • What Margaret loves about KWAH: “I love the collaboration possible through an ensemble of dedicated talented singers. The richness of sound refined by diversity of background and perspective is a boon to ourselves and our community.”
  • Other Campus Activities: Salsa, Archery, Gamma Phi Beta, Williamsburg Community Engagement, research
 Beckett Behel (he/him), Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Major: Music
  • Class Year: 2024
  • What Beckett’s position does: “We foster connections with our audience and community and encourage them to support the choir.”
  • What Beckett loves about KWAH: “I love how everyone has their own role to play. Out of individuals, we get a cohesive whole which is much greater than the sum of its parts.”
  • Other Campus Activities: Melodia Ensemble
Katie Bogut (she/her), Social Co-Chair
  • Major: History
  • Class Year: 2025
  • What Katie’s position does: “My co-chair and I are responsible for organizing fun events both during rehearsal and outside of the practice room. We endeavor to make KWAH a safe, welcoming, caring, and enjoyable environment for all! From weekly dinners to game nights and parties, we help keep KWAH connected as one big family!”
  • What Katie loves about KWAH: “As a transfer student, KWAH welcomed me with open arms! The sweetest, most talented, and some of the greatest people I have had the pleasure of getting to know and sing with!”
  • Other campus activities: History Club, Intervarsity, and Alexander Hamilton Society
Kyle Sharma (he/him), Social Co-Chair
  • Major: English
  • Class Year: 2026
  • What Kyle’s position does: “The Social Chairs are in charge of planning and running the events that turn the Kwah into a community, rather than just a class. From social breaks during rehearsal, events with other groups on campus, and everything in between, the Social Chairs are there to foster a fun, welcoming, and supportive Kwah atmosphere.”
  • What Kyle loves about KWAH: “Having people who are always there for you is absolutely priceless, and Kwah is full is those kinds of people. I’ve met some of my closest friends through Kwah, and getting to sing with them has been just incredible!”
  • Other campus activities: Stairwells Acapella, W&M Pep Band, Wham Bam Big Band, AMP Interns Committee, Resident Assistant
Gavin Salinas (he/him), Co-Historian
  • Majors: History & Secondary Education
  • Class Year: 2026
  • What Gavin’s position does: “Recording/documenting Kwah members and events through pictures and online posts, while also maintaining the Kwah room board.”
  • What Gavin loves about KWAH: “Kwah has been such a welcoming and accepting community! We always strive to excel in our performances while also enjoying our silly little moments and in-jokes. It is the one of the only ways that I have been able to express myself artistically during college, and I cannot thank the whole Kwah for allowing me to do so :D”
  • Other campus activities: “One of the Culture Chairs of FASA and Swing Dance Club Member”
Jonathan Aspin (he/him), Co-Historian
  • Majors: Theatre & History
  • Class Year: 2027
  • What Jonathan’s position does: “Within my position, publicizing and documenting events within Kwah are the big parts of it! I work with my wonderful co-historian to make sure that the history of our fabulous choir is told and shown to the world! It’s just brilliant!”
  • What Jonathan loves about KWAH: “The sense of community and the true love of music everyone has!”
  • Other campus activities: “I’m involved in theatre here at William and Mary because that is one of my true passions and i love everything about it!”
Larissa Vega (she/her), Wardrobe Chair
  • Major: Psychology
  • Class Year: 2024
  • What Larissa’s position does: “I make sure our singers are dressed to impress!”
  • What Larissa loves about KWAH: “I love the community and how we’re like one big family! We always have each others backs <3”
Edward Kerins (he/him), Recording Chair
  • Major: Neuroscience
  • Class Year: 2025
  • What Edward’s position does: “The Recording Chair is responsible for facilitating the setup/teardown of the performance equipment, and making sure that said equipment can be fully functional so that we can listen to and learn from our past performances.”
  • What Edward loves about KWAH: “The community. Everyone is so inviting and warm and welcoming! It’s a group that is ready to take you as you are and meet you where you’re at, and is willing to be there for you, from the simple things such as study sessions and Sadler late-nights to great friends you can come to for anything.”
  • Other campus activities: “Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity (PSP Represent!), Chess Club”
Annamarie Warnke (they/she), Webmaster
  • Major: Data Science
  • Class Year: 2025
  • What Annamarie’s position does: “I maintain the W&M Choir website and manage the listserv for current members.”
  • What Annamarie loves about KWAH: “Everyone here is so passionate about making music, but they also have fun and create such a welcoming community!”
  • Other campus activities: geoLab, Wesley, Food For All, Griffin School Partnerships, campus tour guide, Assessment Steering Committee
Hannah Ryan (she/her), Riser Royalty
  • Major: Classical Archaeology
  • Class Year: 2026
  • What Hannah’s position does: “Keeps track of the risers for our performances, including making sure they get to where they need to be, and also advocates for newbies during officer meetings.”
  • What Hannah loves about KWAH: “The community and getting to sing together as an ensemble.”
  • Other campus activities: “Officer of Eta Sigma Phi, I’m in Phi Eta Sigma and Alpha Lambda Delta, William & Mary Hillel, and working at the off-campus greenhouses.”
Grace Harvey (she/her), Riser Royalty
  • Major: Data Science
  • Class Year: 2027
  • What Grace’s position does: “We manage the risers and make sure the other new members feel represented.”
  • What Grace loves about KWAH: “I love all of the traditions that KWAH has.”
  • Other campus activities: OSTEM, Songwriting Club, Rocky Horror Club